Monday, June 16, 2008


Debbie commented and mentioned "Etsy" -- something new to me. I checked it out and it's an online store for handmade items. This would have been great to use if it was around when we were selling our FSU crafts! If you make handmade items (or if you want to purchase some unique, adorable, and affordable items), check out this online store at:

Kimmy's home and tomorrow is her birthday. I'll give her a day to rest and celebrate then we'll begin posting our treasures on E-bay! She drove 440 miles home today with her 11 year old sister. The trip, fortunately, was uneventful!

1 comment:

Meg in Tally said...

So glad Kimbosha made it home! I know you're glad to have both girls home. Can't wait to hear about the mission trip.

Etsy was mentioned on TCHF...get off of DIGEST!!!

I need to get Mr. Fix-It some decent shirts and shorts...maybe I'll check out your Good Cents store.